Xingyicheng (Shenzhen) Teknoloji A.Ş., Ltd..


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Whiteboardhas many meanings, including but not limited to:

It is a writing surface, usually made of white metal plate material, which can be erased and written on repeatedly. It is usually used for teaching, meeting discussions or personal and family notes. It is similar to a blackboard and must be written with a special whiteboard pen.
It is an Internet slang that refers to the state of knowing almost nothing about a certain technology.
In mahjong, white boards refer to tiles that do not have words or patterns engraved on them.
In some dialects, it has a derogatory meaning, and is usually used to express a person’s dissatisfaction with others, or to describe stupidity and uselessness.
In addition, “blank slateis also a philosophical term used by the British philosopher Locke.



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